Sunday, December 14, 2014

1989-0725, Study Sahaja Yoga

Arrival at Ashram Melichargasse, Vienna 1989

Now, as I have told you that we have to worship ourselves as Gurus and for that what we have to do. So I hope you will all equip yourself with whatever I have told you.
Another thing one has to know that Sahaja Yoga is, of course, for this benevolence, for your goodness, but you must all, individually also, work it out that you study Sahaja Yoga in a way, like, I have seen that people tell Me that, “Mother, on such and such tape you said such a thing. So, what does that mean?” I was very happy because he’s seeing the tape is ready again and again he tried to find out the meaning, he couldn’t find it, then he asked Me, so I was very happy about it that is such an interest he has and he wants to know about these deeper things. So, the inquiry you see, becomes deeper and deeper and as the inquiry becomes deeper and deeper, you are amazed at the knowledge that we did not know, of unknown, and that you’re amazed also that this knowledge acts – works.
It’s not only knowledge in the university-like, but it is actual – it acts. So, if you have the knowledge – the other day somebody told Me that his child got very high temperature and he didn’t know what to do and then he got into convulsions. I said, “That means you have not attended centers properly or you have not found out what can be done.”
In most of the tapes, whatever I have said can be, you see, found out what is said about health, what is said about children, because I spontaneously say things. And if you can sort it out, you will know so many things, I mean if you sit down as a study of these tapes, it will help you to find out so many little, little things which are very important for life.
Like, today I saw a child, who was crying all the time and so, when I saw the child I found the head was all burning, it was hot. So of course, Mine is cool hand but you can do the same, I took out a little cold water and put it on his head and cooled him down and tried to blow little cool air on his head. It stopped.
So all these little, little things about children, I hope I’ll be able to write, but you also should find out from My tapes and otherwise what these small, small things we should do for children, because every time you need not go to the doctor’s, we need not have the doctors at all. And there was an Indian lady sitting, she said that they don’t know all these Indian things, little things we know in India, when it is coming as an heritage and as soon as a lady conceives, you see, she has to know all about it, so she knows about children, what is to be done and the Mother is there or Mother-in-law is there and they all the time tell you, “Now do this, now do that”, and that’s how they have the knowledge.
So, she said that they go to the doctor. Well, we don’t do, we do all Indian, Indian treatment, little, little here and there. So all these things are to be understood but you cannot get a kind of a book on it. So far, they have not been able to do it, but all those who find, say, something about it, so you can classify it, you can note it down, that, “This is, Mother said about this thing or this She has said about this thing.” It will be very good for us to sort it out this way because everybody’s trying, but I think you people can do it very easily, sitting down, because you have so much equipment here that you can find out what point you think is something that is to be noted down in a different heading. So you can put different, different headings and can jot it down – “This is what She said.”
Then also you will find a reflection of it in some other books, somewhere else, this can be worked out. English did lot of research on this, I think, and the maximum was done in Australia. So we have lots of thing – prophecies and all that, but so far I haven’t got anything from Germany or from Austria, because I think there were great, great poets here, we had Goethe, we had Dante, also, though Dante wrote it in Italian language? All right, but I think in Germany it’s available, German language – quite a lot.
So I mean all such big, big people who wrote so many things, you can take out from there, if there’s an indication. So, sort of a study of Sahaja Yoga should be there and that impresses normally people in the West very much that they are learned you see, they know the subject. Also Indian Scriptures as if it is available we can have a library here for you, we can get some nice books from which you can read and find out what – what is written about Divinity, what is written about the Kingdom of God.
All such books could be put here and people should borrow them from the library and see for themselves and sort out the knowledge part of it so that when it comes to that, each one of you can speak, because if you have to be the Guru, the first thing you must have: the capacity to speak and to give knowledge. If you don’t have knowledge in your brains, even if you have in your heart, in these modern times you can’t work it out. You have to give them through your brains, (Shri Mataji laughing) you have to tell them, ‘This is it, this is it, this is.’ And people are very curious, not only that, but sometimes skeptical, sometimes critical, criticizing.
So, we have to be prepared and that kind of personality we should have. But that doesn’t mean that you go mental – not at all. It means that with your heart expanded, you feel that if you have to communicate, we have to know it in a more detailed way, in a more precise way and in a confident manner.
Now also there are certain misconcepts that ‘Mother said so, Mother said so.’ Whatever is not on the tape you should not listen to. Whatever is on the tape is authentic. But of course, I mean, I was saying that we, I should be taped all the time and I’ve got something now, machinery for that, but it doesn’t happen that way. I was thinking if I can get a suitcase or a purse with a thing attached, so that whenever I talk it can just (Mother laughs & laughter), so everything could be recorded, but whatever it is, whatever is recorded already, should be accepted. And if somebody says, ‘Mother has said so, Mother has said so,’ then it should be, it should be first of all found out, if it is so or not. Otherwise it won’t work out.