Tuesday, April 23, 2019

CONDEMN all Sahaja Yoga Leaders / Organisations / Councils / National Trust, individual evil genus and self appointed leaders, who chose Matter over Goddess.

Click Here for the Condemn Petition
Jai Shri Mataji, Jai Shri Krishna
Kurukshetra has begun!
Where do you stand?
Are you standing on Dharma with Pandavas? or on Adharma with Kauravas?
Here Kauravas are those...
  • Who betrayed and supported Sir C.P. in poisoning Shri Mataji.
  • Who are after money power, leadership, properties
  • Who are enforcing and controlling yogis through Sahaja Yoga system
  • Who are going against the WILL of Shri Mataji
  • Who denied Shri Mataji’s her final desire to retire and live in Pratishthan
  • Who are following Sir. C.P., Family, Leaders,
  • Who are making money on collective by selling books, music etc.
  • Who are making money and power on Intellectual Property of Shri Mataji
  • Who have become false gurus
Pandavas are those...
  • Who are NirmalaDaas, servants of Shri Mataji.
  • Who are seeking only Truth.
  • Who are giving realization without any affiliation to any system.
  • Who are using Shri Mataji method of realization, without tampering.
  • Who are not after name, fame, leadership and money.

We, the Children / Disciples / Followers / Servants / Nirmaladaas of Her Holiness Shri Mataji, support Divine's spiritual war against all organisations under Sahaja Yoga name / trusts / Councils / World leaders, Self appointed leaders, and all those who betrayed Shri Mataji during last years of Her Holiness Incarnation.

List of few Sahaja Yoga organisations/ councils:
Sahaja Yoga World Foundation, Sahaja Yoga National Trust, NIPC / Nirmalavidya LLC, VND, Sahaja Meditation, Central Committee, etc.,
  1. Leaders surrendered to Sir C.P and did not protest him in drugging Shri Mataji. Moreover, some of the Doctor leaders have prescribed Risperidone drug.
  2. They did not support and stand by those leaders who opposed and fought against Sir C.P.
  3. Between Property and Shri Mataji, leaders have chosen property for their own power and control over the Sangha. They surrendered Shri Mataji to Sir CP and they got Pratishthan, Cabela Castle and Intellectual Property in return.
  4. They partnered with Sir C.P. to change the original 2004 Will.
  5. They failed to obey and stand firm to implement 2004 WILL and wishes of Shri Mataji.
  6. They did not let Shri Mataji to retire and take rest in Pratishthan, Pune.
  7. They failed to do their Duty / Dharma in protecting our Divine Mother.
To find who are these Leaders, and evil genius behind all these activities, trace the properties, who owns them now?
Pratishthan is with National Trust
Cabela Castle is with World Sahaja Yoga foundation
Intellectual Property is with Nirmalavidya LLC/NIPC
Collectivity, properties, organisation, groups, which are built on sufferings of Adi Shakti will be punished by Shri Ganesha.
Pratishthan and Cabella Castle belong to Shri Mataji’s Family.
Intellectual Property belongs to Humanity to Whole World so NIPC can not own it.
…”I know of people, there was an actress who came to my program and I came in 71 (there are so many people who came to My program) and also Dr Choudhary told Me “You’d better get it copyright”. I said “There is no copyright needed for this kind of a thing, is all right!”. And they are using My words, they are using word Kundalini, they are using Maha Yoga, they are using the words like self realisation, everything; but doing nothing about it, just making money. Sorry, what can I do about it? It is for you to decide, it is the actualization which you should ask”...
May 31st, 1990
Based on the above FACTS, we strongly CONDEMN all Sahaja Yoga Leaders / Organisations / Councils / National Trust, individual evil genus and self appointed leaders, who chose Matter over Goddess.
Shri Ganesha, Shri Hanumana, Shri Bhairavnath please punish all evil doers who drugged and tortured Shri Mataji, changed Her Will, changed Shri Mataji’s methods, and stopped the establishment of Shri Mataji’s Legacy.
Let the Truth Prevail!

Thursday, April 18, 2019

To establish Shri Mataji's Legacy

Jai Shri Mataji dear brothers and sisters
We have earnest desire to help Sangha and to get help to establish Shri Mataji’s Legacy.
Please take time to read and go through the links in this letter.

We are not coming for any personal gain or help. Our personal ascent is safe within Maha Yoga.
We have complete freedom to spread Shri Mataji’s work as it is.

As an organization, we have got collective strength to help all Nirmaladaas who were victimized by
Sir CP and the SY system.  

we are summarizing all facts about what happened and how Sir. CP destroyed Shri Mataji, Sahaja
Yoga, and dedicated yogis. To establish Shri Mataji's Legacy this is the chance otherwise like
Christianity or other religions, Sahaja Yoga will be ruined.

Sir CP lured leaders with property and Leaders supported him in drugging Shri Mataji and got
properties in return.

Between property and Adi Shakti, leaders chose property and left Shri Mataji to suffer. Because
of this sin now Sahaja Yoga is getting destroyed all over the world.

What is Shri Mataji's will and desire? Click here for Shri Mataji's Will and other details

Who are the leaders and what they have? Now who owns Shri Mataji's properties?
  1. National Trust owns Pratishthan
  2. World Sahaja Yoga foundation owns Cabela Castle
  3. Nirmalavidya LLC/NIPC owns Intellectual Property
If we expose the truth and stand for Shri Mataji then Shri Ganesha and Shri Hanumana will help us to
establish Shri Mataji’s Legacy.
..."So like one pitcher which is in the River Ganges, you are like a cell in the body of the Adi Shakti. Your entity, your personality is preserved. Despite that you feel the Brahmachaitanya through your senses and you can give realisations to others, but you are in the body of the Adi Shakti. As long as you are in the body of Adi Shakti you can do all that... ...I have taken you in My body. A foreign thing has to go in the body and it has to be looked after, nurtured"...
Shri Mataji, May 3rd, 1987.


Shri Mataji was poisoned with Risperidone, so what will happen to the cells of the Body? Cells will also be drugged, so whole Sahaja Yoga Sangha is under the effects of Risperidone. To come out of those effects please sign this petition. Click Here for the Condemn Petition

We need your help. it is not for Maha Yoga organisation. Through our problem, we found out the truth.
The Truth is leaders (who are CP Daas, Power Daas, SY organisation Daas)  did everything against
Shri Mataji will. We must undo this.

We do not believe in any organization, we use Maha Yoga only for practical purposes.

To protect Sangha from Judas, evil genius and negative forces, we need Nirmaladaas. We need your
vibrational and collective power to establish the Legacy of Shri Mataji. We know the negativity is stopping
all Nirmaladaas from coming out. For our ascent, like Shri Ganesha we have to stand for Shri Mataji.
Please join us to establish Shri Matjai’s Legacy.

We do not want Sir CP daas or Power Daas, or Sahaja Yoga name daas, Leader or SY system Daas.
We need only Nirmala Daas, who wants to serve only Shri Mataji.
If you feel this poem is for you then you are Nirmaladaas.

To establish Shri Mataji’s Legacy we need to:
  1. Implement the Will of Shri Mataji
  2. Remove copyright on intellectual property of Shri Mataji
  3. Fund and develop Nirmaldham
Please check this petition we made for this Please click here to sign Shri Mataji's Legacy Petition

To find truth about Maha Yoga and yogis behind, please check this letter to Shri Mataji.

Looking forward to working with you as one instrument
NirmalaDaas team
Email: DCYOGA@gmail.com
Jai Shri Mataji

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Letter to Shri Mataji

Jai Shri Mataji, Jai Shri Ganesha,
Shri Mataji please accept our humble pranam at Your Divine Lotus Feet.

Shri Mataji, You are the doer and the enjoyer, we are just Your subservient servants, “NirmalaDaas”,
from Washington DC, Australia and other parts of the world.
More about us Click here http://www.themahayoga.org/

As You guided, we are writing this letter to inform our situation to You.
As You are in the collective in Nirakar form, we are sending this letter to the whole World Collective.

Shri Mataji, as per Your guidance through talks and vibrations, we have opposed Sahaja Meditation
and detached ourselves from Sahaja Meditation and Sahaja Yoga meditation collectives in USA.

As per Your desire and guidance, we have formed Maha Yoga organisation.
Shri Mataji we have followed your divine laws from 2008 Guru puja and other talks.
Please click here for Divine Laws to “become Guru means teacher”
Please Click here for Talk references for Maha Yoga name
We needed to form organisation for mundane purpose only.
By Your grace, we are instrumental in doing 60 to 70 public programs, and parades every year.

We are able to reach Federal Agencies like United States Secret Services, DHS, TSA, FDA, USDA,
United States Institute of Peace USDA, Center for Tobacco Products, Substance Abuse Mental
Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), National Archives & Records Administration (DC),
Dept of Veterans, US Department of Energy, Army Navy Country Club  and many Corporates,
Universities and Schools in Washington DC, Maryland, and Virginia. Presented at Mental Health
America (MHA) and Take Control of Your Diabetes (TCOYD) seminars.
By Your grace, Shri Mataji we have a road sign ‘MahaYoga’ on one of the busiest road.
Please click here to find list of PPs Please click here to find list of PPs
Please find photos of the Public Programs Click here for photos of PPs
Please click here for road sign Please click here for road sign

Thank you Shri Mataji for doing all the Mahayoga PP miraculously.  
Please click here for Miracle pictures

Shri Mataji, against Your WILL and wishes Leaders have made copyright on Your Intellectual Property.
Please click here for more info on NIPC's copyright on Intellectual Property

Shri Mataji, because of NIPC's Copyright on Your Intellectual Property, we are facing legal problems
in spreading Maha Yoga. Because of copyright on Your Intellectual Property, legally, we do not have
any existence, our ascents are in danger.


Here is the summary of our story:

US VND changed the method of Sahaja Yoga and formed a new method Sahaja Meditation (SM).
It created many problems in all US collective. After enduring all the opposition by SM for doing
Sahaja Yoga work, in 2012 many yogis took stand against SM in USA, in google groups and other
social media.
From Washington DC, we stood up for using only Sahaja Yoga method but VND & DC collective
ostracized us. Please Click here for all emails to show how we were ostracized.
Being in the collective, there were no options left for spreading Sahaja Yoga, so we announced in 2013
and left the SM collective and stated, we are not part of SM but only Sahaja Yoga and Shri Mataji.
Click here for our announcement email
For all practical reasons, to work with Federal Govt. & Corporates and based on Shri Mataji’s talks
and vibrations, “Maha Yoga” organisation was formed in 2014 and we used Shri Mataji’s desired
name ‘Maha Yoga’. In all Public Programs, we present Shri Mataji’s method as it is, using Dhanvantari
Photograph. Click here for Maha Yoga PP materials

Please check MahaYoga website for all substantial details and also check miracle pictures.
Click here for Why Maha Yoga site

In Nov 27th 2018, after 4 years, being aware of Maha Yoga activities, Nirmala Vidya llc,/
NIPC (Nirmal Intellectual Property Corporation) made legal attack and closed Maha Yoga YouTube
channel.  NIPC claims, it has sole legal authority over Shri Mataji’s Intellectual Property.

Without prior warning and ignoring all our request emails, NIPC used Cowan Liebowitz law firm in NY,
and made multiple copyright strikes on Maha Yoga YouTube channel and closed down the channel.
Click here for our request email to NIPC
Please Click here for all email exchange with NIPC
Our YouTube channel has custom url www.youtube.com/MahaYoga, which, we got after a long time of
hard work. There are 5k subscribers. Twice a week, many people meditate with us through YouTube live.
We did not brand any video, we simply uploaded videos on Maha Yoga channel for our seekers easy

John Noyce gave the statement that he made the complaint against MahaYoga organisation and
YouTube channel.

We did not make any money on Shri Mataji’s Intellectual Property. By Shri Mataji’s grace, we spend
our own money to run Maha Yoga Organization.

After reaching World Collectives, US leaders and other US collectives for help, NIPC responded and
stated that we do not have any rights to use Shri Mataji’s intellectual property. They stated, if we go to
local collective (which is SM) and use CEL approach, they can give Maha Yoga YouTube channel back
but without Shri Mataji’s talks.
Please click here for NIPC email response on Maha Yoga Youtube channel
We do not accept their terms because,

  • SM and CEL do not use Shri Mataji’s authentic and pure methods.
  • Based on our miraculous experiences in Maha Yoga events.
  • We have spent thousands of our personal money for Maha Yoga organisation.
For all the above reasons, we cannot close down Maha Yoga organisation.

We do not accept Nirmalavidya LLC/ NIPC, Copyright on Shri Mataji’s intellectual Property because
Shri Mataji never agreed to copyright Her Intellectual Property. NIPC has done copyright against  
Mataji’s will and desire.

Shri Mataji, You have given complete freedom to us. So we started Maha Yoga organisation and
Maha Yoga Youtube channel. But NIPC stopped us and closed our Youtube channel.

To help our situation, We have reached out to all US leaders, World collectives, Central Committee.
We have been contacting Central Committee from November 2018, and sent many emails, but we did
not get any reply from them. Here are all emails that we sent to Central Committee.
Please click here for emails sent to Central Committee

It is very shocking to see that world leaders like Horacio and NIPC are opposing Your given Maha Yoga
name and authentic teachings as taught by Shri Mataji.

Now we understand why You were so cautious about Mr. EGO.

Copying from Horacio’s email dated Dec 5, 2018 Click here for Horacio' email
...“It seems very inappropriate to expand a Maha Yoga brand using Sahaja Yoga knowledge. Shri Mataji created Sahaja Yoga, which is complete in itself”...

Statements copying from NIPC/Nirmala Vidya LLC email ..."These videos do not belong to Maha Yoga"...
..."Shri Mataji spread Sahaja Yoga not Maha Yoga"...
Please click here for NIPC's email

Shri Mataji, We understand that leadership system created by You helped in facing the non-yogi Ego world, in arranging Public Programs/ Pujas and dealing with all kinds of Sahajayogis.
After Your daughter, Mrs. Kalpana Srivastava's email, Click here to read that letter it is more clear
and evident that Leaders failed to protect You during Your last years. They did not obey Your WILL and wishes. They did not establish Your Legacy.
After Your departure, the same leadership system have caused many problems all over the World and stopping many yogis from ascending and spreading Your divine work.
Since in You are in Nirakara form, there is no need of leadership system.

Shri Mataji in Maha Yoga case, Sahaja Yoga world leaders are not standing on Dharma. They have let us down and failed to help us. They are doing everything to stop us from spreading Your divine work.
NIPC, Nirmal Vidya LLC, VND, Central Committee, Sahaja Yoga World foundation and leaders are
attacking us at subtle level and are becoming impediments in our spiritual ascent.
Shri Mataji we do not need this leadership and leaders controlling your Intellectual Property.
We do not want to follow any leader or leadership, we follow you only. 
Shri Mataji, we humbly request You to take their powers away and You take the charge.
Hey Shri Karunamayi, Shri MahaYogaDayni, Hey Shri Adi Shakti Ma, please give us legal freedom
to spread Maha Yoga.
Our only pure desire is to reach all corners of the society and to give en mass realization.
Shri Mataji, You are Shri Mahakali, please destroy all the negative forces that are opposing and
stopping the establishment of Your Maha Yoga. Please protect us and Your Legacy.

Shri Mataji, please forgive and give wisdom to all Sahaja Yoga leaders so that they
  • Understand and obey Your 2008 Guru Puja instructions.  
  • Give complete legal freedom to use Your Intellectual Property to teach Your Nirmala Vidya under Maha Yoga name, which was Your desired name.

To fulfill Your wishes and Wills and to establish and maintain Your Pure Legacy, we have made the
following petition.
Shri Mataji, please work out this Petition and establish Your divine Legacy.
Please click here for the Petition
Click here to condemn all those who poisoned Shri Mataji
Nirmaladaas from many other countries, who wants to establish Your Legacy are joining this letter.

Shri Mataji, we your NirmalaDaas from different parts of the World, promise to establish
your Maha Yoga and  Your Legacy.

Shri Mataji, please remove copyright laws on Your Intellectual property.
Shri Mataji, please implement Your WILL and Wishes.

Shri Mataji, we desire that all Your Wishes and WILL should be fulfilled.

O’ Shri Vignahartha, please remove all obstacles to the above mentioned requests.

Shri Mataji, we humbly surrender everything to Your Lotus Feet !

Jai Shri Mataji, we bow to Your Divine Lotus Feet !

Bolo Shri Maha Yoga Dayini Mataji Shri Nimala Devi ki Jai !!!

Jai Shri Mataji

NirmalaDaas from all over the world are supporting Maha Yoga in USA

Maha Yoga tube subscribers 5K
Maha Yoga FB page likes 4k
The Maha Yoga FB likes 1k
Nirmaladaas FB page 146
Sahajayoga Washington DC FB page 3.2k
Oleg Savopulo, Russia
Hugh Frith, Australia
Neroli Australia
Susan, New Zealand
Dramane Fayçal, west Africa
Dr. K Krishna, USA
Prashant , India
Arusha Gupta, USA
Dr. Ruchi Sah, Delhi, India
Trupti Katarpawar, Maharashtra
Ketan Mehta, India
Sushma Germany
Nitin Jawlkar India
Amitesh Gupta USA
Anshul Upadhyay, USA
Julianna Markot, Hungary
Peter Corden, Australia
Haritha Salunkhe, USA
Prasad Salunkhe, USA