Monday, May 20, 2019

Sahaja Yoga -Fanaticism?

Fanaticism meaning:
Fanaticism is to follow words and literal meaning, without understanding the depth and
deep meaning.
In Islam, they follow words not the depth or meaning of the words said by Prophet Muhammad.
Because of that, Muslims became fanatic and creating havoc all over the world.
Deep/Depth meaning:
Depth dictionary meaning:: the distance from the top or surface to the bottom of something.
So, depth does not mean  literal word meaning, which we can see at the surface.
Deep dictionary meaning:: extending far down from the top or surface.

So deep/depth,  means which is not on the surface, that we can see easily.

Spiritual depth meaning:: who has depth of the Spirit and do not follow word or literal meaning.
In other words, people who can realize, and work through their spirit.

Sahaja Yoga was started about 8000 years ago.
On May 5th, 1970, Shri Mataji created and started Maha Yoga.

If Sahajayogis follow words and only literal meaning, what will happen?
It will be on the path to become another fanatic religion.

What is the Spiritual depth of this quote of Shri Mataji?
Spiritual depth of above quote:

  • Maha Yoga is a Dharma
  • Maha yoga is evolution
  • Maha Yoga is a last judgement
Sahajayogis who do NOT accept Maha Yoga:

  • Can NOT realize that he/she is a spirit.
  • Can NOT work through their Spirit to help the humanity.

Monday, May 13, 2019

The aim of Nirmaladaas is to establish Shri Mataji’s Legacy.

The aim of Nirmaladaas and this group is to establish Shri Mataji’s Legacy.

  • Shri Mtaji is Adi Shakti
  • Maha Samadhi is the only spiritual shrine, or Maha Piligrim place for whole world.
  • Only Shri Mataji’s Legacy has to be carry forwarded

Facts are

Shri Mataji was poisoned in Cabella, so Shri Ganesha is not there, nor any Gods. So it is
a cursed place.
Shri Mataji wanted to retire and rest at Pratishthan. According to 2004 Shri Mataji’s Will,
Shri Mataji’s wanted Her family to live there. Shri Mataji never wanted to give to yogis.
Sir C.P and Leaders have poisoned Shri Mataji
Against Shri Mataji’s Will, Leaders poisoned Shri Mataji and got properties in return

Shri Mataji’s properties who own them now?
  1. Pratishtan is with National Trust,
  2. Cabella Castle is with SY world foundation
  3. Intellectual Property is with a profit making company NIPC

What is Shri Mataji Legacy?

  1. Fund and Develop Nirmal Dham
  2. Implement Shri Mataji’s all WILLs and wishes
  3. Remove Copyright laws on Intellectual Property of Shri Mataji
  4. Must obey and implement Divine laws of 2008 Guru Puja talk. Must put those Laws
into effect, and implemented.

Truth about Sir. C.P. Shri Mataji's Husband

the below 1998 hand written letter of Shri Mataji, shows clearly that Shri Mataji did not believe Her husband Sir. C.P

read the above email directly from here emails of 22 ex-world council members

22 WCASY members in their email they opposed Sir CP, they protested him from messing up in the SY organisation. At the same time they said we are happy that you and family are taking care of Shri Mataji. That time truth was evident that Shri Mataji was being poisoning.

It shows clearly evident that Leaders were NOT interested in Shri Mataji, they were interested in Properties and SY organisation. SY organisation is not Shri Mataji and organisation is not Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja Yoga is the awareness. Many time Shri Mataji said that no organisation in SY.

What leaders have done is the greates SIN by not opposing to the drug.

Leaders clearly know the instructions from Shri Mataji what to do at old age. Even they know about Sir CP form Shri Mataji, still they did not protect. They failed to involve or take whole collective help.

In many talk Shri Mataji said She made leaders or leadership system to protect Her physical Body, mentioned in one talk as bodyguards.

They have done very good job in protecting Shri Mataji in PPs, within collective, and in the pujas. But most important times, during Her last years they did not care for Shri Mataji they cared for Properties.

Indirectly we are part of that. Everyone in the collective are part poisoning Shri Mataji. That time ordinary yogis do not have any voice. Now we have voice.
Because the picture is competle now. Wold collective is been supporting SY foundation and NIPC and leaders thinking that they are establishinng Shri Mataji’s legacy. In truth they are not.
They have done everything against Shri Mataji.
They did not implement Her Will and Wishes. They are ignoring Nirmal Dham, SY world foundation or NIPC or other organisations are not funding Nirmal Dham and not developing Nirmal Dham. The real property is Nirmal Dham where our Mother is resting after working very hard for us.
I see in emails every one talk about developing Cabella Castle and they get lot of money.
Shri Mataji is not residing in the buildings. Buildings are not Shri Mataji. Real Property is Nirmal Dham. How many people go to Nirmaldham from west? How many donate? I see people donate and go to Cabella why?

It is been 8 years, still Shri Mataji’s legacy is not established. Are the leaders or SY world foundation NIPC is Dharmic? They have got intellectual and physical property. In case of Maha Yoga their actions are clearly evident that they are Adharmic. How come NIPC claim owning IP?
Shri Mataji said not to copyright, from 1970 to 2004 Shri Mataji did not allow to copyright, then how come they can do after Shri Mataji became weak as She was poisoned.
Now the story is complete, these leaders are against Shri Mataji, they are stopping Her Legacy from establishing.
Any ordinary person dies, every one respect and implement his/her Will and Wishes, how come n case of Adi Shakti it did not happen? How come humans have that power?

To get out of that destruction that is happening the SY system, and to show and tell deities esp. Shri Shiva and Shri Ganesha that we do not support poisoning, we need to condemn now.
To save yourself and whole Sangha from destruction please sign and share below 2 petitions.

CONDEMN all SahajaYoga Leaders/Organisations/National Trust, Evil Genius, self appointed leaders, who poisoned Shri Mataji got properties in return

Thursday, May 9, 2019

This is Adi Shakti's play, Why Nirmaladaas of Maha Yoga, are wasting time?

Question: Shri Mataji is the Adi Shakti, Maha Maya.
Everything happened according to Her Will, Why Yogis of Maha Yoga, are wasting time?
This talk has all info regarding this situation

Here is our answer: 'our' and 'we' here are Nirmaladaas group from Maha Yoga.

Jai Shri Mataji!
Dear brothers and sisters, if you want to close your eyes and say everything is fine, it is your freedom. we can not say anything.
In the whole world many collectives are being destroyed.
It is not the illusion or a feeling, Evidence and Facts are available right now. Many people and their ascent is in danger.
We love Shri Mataji created Sangha, We want to save Sangha from destruction. This is Maha Yoga group role, in this Divine's play.

God is the doer. No doubt. please read above quote of Shri Mataji. If God can do everything what is the need of making us Sahajayogis? why Shri Mataji has to work for us so hard?

We agree that this is all Maya and play by Shri Mataji. In this play, we are actors, we have our role, if we do not want to act our role, we will be out Dharma.

We have been minding our own business all these years, without any protest. Please check what we have been doing under Maha Yoga organisation. You can learn whole story of Maha Yoga through this letter to Shri Mataji. Please click here for "Letter to Shri Mataji"

When SY leaders attacked us legally, we searched for Truth and we found it.
What ever Truth we found out, it our duty to present to Sangha.

  • Everything is going against Shri Mataji’s Will and desire.
  • Shri Mataji's legacy is not been established, whole Sangha is in danger.
  • Satan has already established his Kingdom.
Please check these petitions to know the truth with evidences
Yogis are in denial mode!
Go with FACTS, not emotions. Facts are present, and be practical. You will find the truth.
Maha Yoga group does not want to deal all these thing. But for Shri Matajis sake and to protect Sangha, we had to come out our shell.
Like others we want to mind our own business. That is what we have been doing all these years. Now Shri Mataji gave this role, we have to act this role in the play or Maya, there is no choice for us. Otherwise we will be not in Dharma. Here our role is to save Sangha.

Jai Shri Mataji
Jai Shri Hanumana

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

To save Sangha from destruction

Jai Shri Mataji
Satan has already established his Kingdom Please click here for more details regarding
To save Shri Mataji's vision and Sangha from destruction, we must establish Shri Mataji's Legacy.
To establish Shri Mataji’s Legacy, we are looking for yogis who loves Shri Mataji and are
attached to Her Lotus Feet.

We do NOT want yogis who
  • Attached to National Trust
  • Love Sir. C.P and says Papaji
  • Support leadership system
  • attached and support VND, NIPC etc. organisation in Sahaja Yoga
  • are attached to Sahaja Yoga world foundation
  • support Sahaja Meditation
  • Support inner peace
  • Support Meditate to regenerate
  • Support Paramachaitanya foundation and
  • Worship Sahajayogis gurus
  • opposes Shri Mataji created and founded Maha Yoga method
In short we looking for Nirmaladaas.
Here is the poem that describes NirmalaDaas.

Why we are looking for Nirmaladaas?
Because Shri Mataji’s Legacy is not established. Please check this petition to to know all details
What is Shri Mataji’s Legacy?
  • Fund and Develop Nirmal Dham
  • Implement Shri Mataji’s all WILLs and wishes
  • Remove Copyright laws on Intellectual Property of Shri Mataji
  • Must obey and implement Divine laws of 2008 Guru Puja talk. Must put into effect, and implemented.
If you want to establish Shri Mataji’s Legacy:
For more details who are we
Please read this letter to Shri Mataji

Thank you for your kind attention
Jai Shri Mataji
Nirmaladaas team