Link to the Talk 1983/06/13
What’s the problem in collectivity, you think. I can ask the question.
Must get out of individual limitations.
I think everybody should for some time go and live in an ashram, is a good idea.
But ashram must be such where there is collectivity. In the ashram if
they are fighting and quarrelling – then what’s the use of being in the
ashram also? But I leave it to you. It’s all freedom to you. You just
decide yourself. I have not put any rules and regulations on you much,
because I want you to use your wisdom and put everything right yourself.
You are all very wise people but must have concord. Listen to others. Talk to them.
Find out what’s the problem is. On small, small things people fight. It’s a very wrong thing.
Moreover, you have to have one person as a leader to whom you should
listen to. If I find that fellow is useless I’ll throw him away. You
know that very well. Throw him away, not in the way people throw away,
but he’ll just get out of Sahaja Yoga. You know that very well.
So there should be no problem. But everybody should not try to dominate each other.
That’s a wrong idea. Try to change your attitude. As I would say, how
far can you adjust? How far can you accommodate? Let’s see that way.
You have to learn that from Me, isn’t it?
You must find out ways and methods of accommodating yourself with
others. Just try to learn. It’s not difficult. That’s the whole attitude
of life, is of competition and this and that – should be changed.
You must compete in loving, compete in doing good things, compete at working for others.
Like “I’ve opened the door, now I’ll not take the phone”. Is very
common. “I’ve washed the things this morning, then I will not wash in
the evening”. Then people start taking advantage as this. Let them take
advantage; it is a disadvantage for them.
Actually, if you see the other side, compete in service, compete in
love, compete in good things, of saying good words, of communicating in a
sweeter way that others feel happy, making others happy. Try to change
your attitude towards others and you’ll really enjoy, I tell you, you’ll
That’s the way. You know, if you say something to hurt someone and upset someone, it must be upsetting you definitely.
You may not show but it must be, because whatever you do to others comes back to you. Straightforward march, I tell you.
It doesn’t stay there altogether; it comes back to you. So just try to be kind to others.
You may say that the other may try to harm you, doesn’t matter.
Nobody can harm you because you are the Spirit. Who can harm you? You
are the Spirit.
So just try to understand the person.
I tell you, after some time you’ll find that person will become very soft.
So many Sahaja Yogis have become like that automatically. They all
are here for seeking God, isn’t it? So to help them you have to be
patient. Give up your old methods and ways, I must tell you: to be curt,
to be stern, to be angry, there’s no need at all! [Shri Mataji laughs]
I’m telling you from My experience. I’ve tried all these things. It works, isn’t it?
It does work.
And you have to have faith in them and faith in their ascent, in
their quality. I like people who praise others to Me. I don’t like
people who criticize others. Try to support each other, help each other
and never talk about their past or anything like that; it’s very sad.
Sometimes I’ve seen people are very hard and in anger they say things
which one should never say. It’s not gracious. It’s not in the
mannerism of Sahaja Yogis. You should never say these things. Do I ever
say anything like that to you about your past? When you write to Me,
even if I know everything about you, did I ever mention those things to
you at all? Then why should you say things of the past? I have heard
these things people just rake it up and flung it back.
I have heard this kind of thing that they bring it on other people,
it’s not good. One should be very gracious, very kind, and understand
that everybody has tremendous potentiality.
Respect, respect and respect. Respect yourself and you’ll respect others.
I hope now you won’t have problem of collectivity after this lecture,
and if you have, you can listen to this lecture again and again; and My
special humble request that try to curb down your angles.
Automatically other angles will calm down. But if it is a non-Sahaja
Yogi then you all should fight it together. All should join together if
[it] is a non-Sahaja Yogi.
Nobody dare torture you or trouble you. Those days are gone now. None
of you will be troubled. These are all satanic forces and they can work
through you also. You must know when they give you such ideas to fight
and to quarrel. Understand that this is anti-God. You are doing God’s
You have to move towards more understanding, more coordination;
because this is such a tremendous work and of such a sublime nature,
that we have to be sublime ourselves.
All right, now is there any other question? [It] was a very nice
suggestion but don’t give Me such big suggestions that I have to speak
for half an hour. [Laughter, She laughs]
Sahaja Yogini: Mother, when you say collective consciousness, does
that exclude all the people who are not Sahaja Yogis, so does that mean
that Sahaja Yogis are isolating themselves from the 90% of the people
who are not Sahaja Yogis?
Shri Mataji: What is she saying? I just couldn’t hear. Can you come? You come here and tell Me. Yes, it’s all right.
Sahaja Yogini: When you are talking about being collectively
conscious, that excludes the people who are not Sahaja Yogis and
therefore the Sahaja Yogis are isolating themselves from the people,
from the majority of the other people.
Shri Mataji: Oh, that’s it. No, no, no. She says that when
collectively Sahaja Yogis become one then those who are not Sahaja Yogis
are isolated. It’s not so. You see, Sahaja Yogis have to be strong
Now take it like this, that there are people, say, who are in the
water and some people are in the boat, all right? Now the people who are
in the boat are in the boat, so they are in a way different from the
people who are in the water. That’s the situation is, all right? Now the
people in the boat have to save the people who are in the water, all
So what I am saying that those who are in the boat must first of all be united, and then with full strength pull them out.
Why this collectivity? Is just to pull out the rest of them. This
collectivity is just to achieve their emancipation, their realization,
all right? It doesn’t mean that they should exclude.
Actually the whole collectivity is to bring those people out. But,
you see, there are lots of anti-God activities going on in this world,
you know that.
For example, there’s a guru who makes lots of money, all right? And
he has destroyed many people. Now they come to Me and they are saved. So
he may send somebody here paid for a job just to disturb us.
Then the duty of all the Sahaja Yogis is to get together and see
that, to tell him that, “You see, now you are doing wrong. Your guru has
done wrong to us and he is going to do wrong to others. Why do you join
with that?”
On that point everybody should be one. But if they are not strong and if they are not one, they cannot pull out others.
You see, My point is like that. Not to exclude – is all, collectivity
is to include everyone inside. All right? I mean to say, there is no
specialization in Sahaja Yoga, in simple words. Everybody is a doctor of
everything. [Laughter]
I mean to say that all the Sahaja Yogis must form a strong group by
which they achieve enlargement of Sahaja Yoga, getting more people into
Sahaja Yoga, more people benefitted by Sahaja Yoga, all right?
All – anywhere I have seen, wherever there is collectivity, like I
would say, Australia has the maximum collectivity, or India of course it
has, but Australia, in all the European countries, or I should say the
western-styled communities, Australia has the maximum collectivity and
they have achieved the maximum results.
Only in Sydney, today only, Warren told Me that the halls like this
get packed for programmes. Melbourne, there is no room for new people
who are coming, and it’s such a big compound I’m amazed, I mean, how
many must be going there. And it is because of collectivity. And as soon
as I went there it started gathering up. But before that the people
were fighting among themselves and many people ran away from Sahaja Yoga
because they thought, “These people are fighting, what are they going
to give us?”
Maximum is in Australia, I think. Then is Austria is having some
problem there, and as soon as the problem came in, the whole thing
became a very small group.
Again that problem is over now; positivity has come; the people have
joined together; again it has flourished. It happens here also, we have
seen. Why Labor Party lost? If they had not quarrelled they would not
have been so badly off [Shri Mataji laughs, laughter]. Is absolutely a
simple equation, “United we stand,” isn’t it?